Thank You Hero...

Thank You Hero...

Dear diary, aku mau kasih tau kamu bahwa aku sempat memenangkan juara dua lomba menulis blog menge…
Cepat | Renungan Pagi

Cepat | Renungan Pagi

Selamat pagi, tidak terasa waktu cepat sekali berlalu. Meskipun sesibuk apapun aktivitas kita teta…
Matthew Chapter 6

Matthew Chapter 6

6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward…
Good News in October

Good News in October

Dear diary, still remember what I said about this month. Yup, colorful month! Although I got troub…
Feeling Sleepy

Feeling Sleepy

Dear diary, long time I never write something here, I just put schedule to do post something as th…