Don't you ever think, woman can't live or go out without makeup. So I can say woman and makeup is like soul mate lol :) But I am not part of that women. Like many women, I began nearly each day by applying makeup. Not every day, but, yes, on most days I wear makeup. So, why do I — and countless other women — begin our days with foundation, blush, and mascara? Well, I could feed you the “I wear it for myself” line you’ve heard a thousand times before, but, if I’m being completely honest, that would be a lie. Yes, in some way I am doing it for myself — but only because looking a certain way makes me feel good. That’s the part of the “I wear it for myself” argument that people always fail to tack on. Now, maybe there are women who wear full faces of foundation just to sit alone in their bedrooms, but I’m not one of them, and most of the women I meet aren’t either.

But I love to put makeup as natural as I can do. Because glamor or something to put to much is not good for me :)

MMMM  I am so surprise when read one of article about this one:

If you want to look cute, you have to pay attention to your face, hair, and clothes, while also making an effort to look cute. Anyone can look cute as long as he or she looks natural, friendly, and comfortable. If you want to know how to look cute with just a few easy tips, you've come to the right place.


 Having a Cute Face and Cute Hair

* Wear cute makeup. Your face will be the first thing people see, so it should be as cute as possible. Not only should you wash your face and have good hygiene, but you should also wear cute makeup to make yourself look adorable. To look cute, you don't need to go too heavy on the makeup, but the right makeup will go a long way in making you look really cute. Here's what you should wear:
        Wear just a tiny bit of blush. This will make you look even cuter if you blush for real, which you should try to do from time to time.
        Wear soft pink lipstick or lip gloss.
        Wear light eyeshadow in pastel shades like light blue, purple, or even light pink.
        Don't go too heavy on the makeup. Just a light layer of mascara and eyeliner will do.
        Whatever you do, look natural. You can wear a bit of makeup, but you'll only be cute if you look like yourself.

*Have cute hair. You need to have cute hair to frame your cute face. Your hair should look soft and natural, and should be free of any heavy products. You should style and groom your hair in a way that makes you look even cuter. Here are some things to try:
        Let your hair dry naturally and fall to your shoulders.
        Wear your hair in two loose pigtails that fall in front of your shoulders.
        Put your hair in a low messy bun, with a few strands hanging over your eyes.
        Consider getting bangs if you don't have them. Bangs will be a good addition to almost any haircut below your ears and will be very cute.
        Put colorful clips, baubles, or pastel-colored headbands in your hair.
        Curl your hair in little ringlets.

Wearing Cute Outfits

*Wear cute clothes. Wearing cute clothes is the key to being cute. You don't have to change everything in your wardrobe to be cute -- instead, just work on acquiring a few cute items that tie all of your clothes together in a cute way. Here are some ways to wear cute clothes:
        Wear skirts and dresses instead of pants or shorts when you can. The girlier you look, the cuter you'll be.
        Avoid anything too provocative. Don't show too much leg or cleavage, because that will be sexy, not cute.
        Don't wear anything that looks too tight or uncomfortable. Part of being cute is looking comfortable in your own skin.
        Wear light and positive colors. Wear pastels like purple, pink, or a shade of blue. Anything soft and pretty will make you look cute.
        Avoid dark colors like black, brown, or dark blue.
        Cardigans, knit sweaters and vests, boot-cut jeans, and t-shirts with cute patterns like hearts or polka-dots, will be very cute.
        Try wearing something with a floral pattern. That is very cute.
        Wear brightly-colored or patterned socks.

*Wear cute shoes. Your cute shoes should compliment your cute clothes and should make you look even more cute from head to toe. You should wear shoes that make you look stylish and trendy, but not shoes that make you look provocative. Follow these shoe tips to make sure your feet look cute:
        Wear clogs, mocassins, or close-toed shoes with a round toe.
        Wear flat sandals and pair them with cute pastel-colored nail polish.
        Wear furry boots.
        Wear pastel or white-colored sneakers with pastel shoe-laces.
        Wear a classy wedge heel.
        Avoid very high heels, or you will look more provocative than cute. However, the right heels paired with a more conservative outfit will make you look very cute.

*Wear cute accessories. Cute accessories can help ties your cute outfit together. You don't have to be weighted down by accessories -- just pick a few accessories that really make your outfit stand out. Here are a few accessories that will make you look incredibly cute:
        Wear a cute chunky pink ring.
        Wear subtle gold or silver necklaces.
        Wear silver dangly earrings.
        Wear bangles.
        Use a small purse that hangs over your shoulder or that has a floral pattern.

Acting Cute

*Have cute body language. If you really want to look cute, then you need to have cute body language. Your body language will tie your whole look together, and someone will be able to tell that you're cute just from the way you smile or the way you're sitting. Here's how to have cute body language no matter what you're doing:
        Play with a strand of your hair.
        Fiddle with your bracelet or necklace.
        If you're sitting, keep your feet together and your hands in your lap.
        If you're standing up, shift your weight from foot to foot.
        Break eye contact from time to time. Though you should keep eye contact to maintain a conversation and show you care, you should look at the floor or at your hands once in a while to show that you're a little bit shy.
        Cover your mouth when you laugh. This is very cute.
        Give the person you're talking to the occasional light touch on the shoulder or knee.

*Speak in a cute way. If you want to look cute, you have to speak in a cute way. If you're not speaking in a cute way, then people may forget how cute you look. Here's how to speak to make yourself look even more cute:
        Talk softly. This will make everything you say sound more important because people will have to lean in to hear you. If you yell or talk so loudly that everyone in the building can hear you, that won't be very cute.
        Don't forget to laugh. Laughing and giggling while you talk will be very cute. Don't do it too often, but make sure to laugh and giggle from time to time.
        Don't interrupt. Listen patiently and speak when it's your turn. Butting in the way is not cute.

*Act demure. Being shy or demure is a major part of being cute. You can be shy while being sweet, friendly, and bubbly at the same time. You can still be fun and social while being demure, as long as you're not loud or overbearing. Here's how to act demure to be more cute:
        When you engage in conversation, remember to act very innocent. Don't tell dirty jokes, engage in racy conversations, curse, or be vulgar. Cute people should be surprised by these actions instead of engaging in them.
        Learn to blush from time to time. If you're genuinely embarrassed by a topic, it will be very cute if you blush.
        Don't dominate. You can still be a part of a conversation without fighting to be the center of attention. Being pushy, rude, or bossy to be the star of every show is definitely not cute or demure.

That is why the teen act like that, to look cute. But just be yourself then you will look pretty and put natural makeup to make your face fresh :)

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