Ssstsss I want to tell you something
But I'm so damn shy to tell you
Sssttsss I have secret about you
But I can't handle to keep it by myself

I must tell you my secret
Because all my secret about you
Sssttsss how is difficult to tell my secret
Ssstttt don't laugh when I tell you

When I tell you my secret
The big secret that I keep for myself
I want to share my secret with you
But I'm afraid you will run away

When you know my secret is all about you
Ssstsss my secret is all about you
And I want to tell you about it
About my feeling to you

Sssttsss my secret is I fall in love
I'm so damn fall in love with you
That's my secret, I keep for long time
I'm fall in love with you everyday

Sssstttsss special for my Red ♡♡♡♡

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